Sunday, September 29, 2013

They'd say something...right?

"It's A Tidy System"
Cartoon By: Barry Deutsch
Found HERE.

I really just wanted to post this political cartoon because it's very relevant to what many of the news outlets have been reporting recently. Obamacare is on the verge of going into effect and we still have many, many Americans who disagree with it, both Republicans and Democrats. Many people still don't even know the basics of Obamacare. We have these major news networks either bashing it or standing behind it, yet we have such an uninformed society. I believe this cartoon gives a little insight to the whole situation. I particularly like the small box at the end of the cartoon. Pay attention to what it says. What do you guys think about this image, what it has to say, and how it all ties into our current situation?

1 comment:

  1. Whitney,

    I think you bring up an important issue. When Obamacare was signed, even members of Congress who voted for it didn't know what was in it. This speech by Nancy Pelosi still blows my mind that any member of Congress, regardless of party, would vote for a bill of this magnitude without knowing exactly what was in it. Here is a clip from her speech: . We have an uninformed society about Obamacare because, 1. Nobody (very very few) is going to read the more than 10,000 pages of the bill, and 2. The mass media is so concerned with their opinion of Obamacare that they rarely present the bill objectively. Whether you support Obamacare or not, the media should present the facts of the bill in an objective way. But that would be in a perfect 1950's world. The cartoon that you posted shows how distorted things can become. There are so many players that it is difficult to keep straight what is fact and what is opinion.
